My new computer internals

A few years ago, I switched to a Dell XPS 13 as my laptop. At the time, it was more powerful than my desktop. This wasn’t an issue, but now that I’m working from home, my desktop is feeling a little week.

I upgraded my 2014 desktop this weekend from an Intel i5 to an AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT. What was supposed to be “just a processor and motherboard” upgrade turned into so much more…

On Fear of Open Source

It might sound dumb, but open source terrifies me. I love reading about people suffering from impostor syndrome. I’m also pretty sure that’s why I write a blog post about once every 2 years.

With open source, I have no clue how the licenses work… I created a fork of an open source markdown editor, and took parts of other open source code to make it work how I want. School taught me how to put software together, but I don’t think it ever taught me how to deal with licenses and open source.

The original license is GPLv3. So most of that is okay, but for the preview, I am using MIT Licensed CSS. So while I try to figure out open source licensing and deal with my solitary confinement, let me tell you the story of the Markdown editor I wanted to keep just for myself.

Back to Xubuntu

A while ago, I switched back to Windows so I could play video games… While I enjoyed playing video games, one thing I missed was the integration of so many languages and the operating system. So now, I’m back on Xubuntu.

This time, I put in a little more effort for finding apps I’ll be using and creating a nice look and feel. I’m documenting it, both to share, and in case I screw something up really bad.

Determining Intent Pt 1

Cortana, Alexa, Siri, and then some. Digital assistants are invading our lives, and I’m loving every minute of it.

As a kid I loved Digimon. I thought it would be cool to get sucked into the internet and hang out with my digital partner. It’s pretty much the reason I got into computers. I started poking around at computer vision and machine learning in hopes of one day getting sucked into the internet making computer interaction more natural.

Some people have been working on the problem a lot longer than me, but I thought it’d be fun to share some approaches on the subject. This is part one… There’s a lot of content to cover.

Automated Summary Experiment Pt.1

So, I decided to play around with Node.js and CoffeeScript. I thought it would be fun to program some toy command line script, so what toy problem would I solve?

Well, I’m sure you all heard about how Google and Yahoo have both acquired automated summary generation applications for big bucks. So I thought, why not write something similar so I can make the big bucks1?

I really wanted something like NumPy for Node. Luckily I found natural and Sylvester. “‘Natural’ is a general natural language facility for node.js.” Sylvester is a vector and matrix math library for JavaScript. I thought I’d have to write a lot more, but using these two libraries along with CoffeeScript, the code is around 100 lines.

  1. Of course, this is just for play and probably not as awesome as something worth $20 or $30 million.